
Bathurst - Extraordinary Missionary Month

Where?What's happening?Details
20 September 2019Mackillop College BathurstDiocesan Launch of WMM Bishop Michael McKenna to join with participating schools from around the diocese in a celebration of mission
6 November 2019James Sheahan Catholic High School, Orange4th Annual Catholic Mission ExpoCoinciding with the College's orientation day, the fourth annual event will bring together the entire school community of over 1,000 students and staff. Bishop Michael McKenna will lead proceedings and the quadrangle will be set up as a mission marketplace.
September to November Schools and Catechists ClassesWorld Mission Month Schools ResourceTeaching and learning resource for Mission. Including liturgy, prayer, advocacy and fundraising materials and activities. A great resource for celebrating mission.
September to OctoberSocial Media#MYMISSION global movementA social media movement inviting all to express 'My mission is ...' and share it as an extraordinary act of international solidarity for mission. Pope Francis will support this campaign with his own message.
September to NovemberParishes and local communitiesWorld Mission AppealAn opportunity to celebrate the universality of mission at Mass through prayer and financial support for the work of global mission throughout the world, with special focus on India and Ghana.
OctoberIndividuals, small groups and staffs in the home, parishes, schools, Catholic agencies, and local communities‘Our Life is Mission’ resourceA small group discussion and reflection resource with a variety of activities for prayer, reflection and discussion. A core component is a four-part prayer and reflection series based on the four Sunday Gospels of October.

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