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Monthly Giving

Catholic Mission’s Monthly Giving Program for Communities

Friends in Faith Program

From infrastructure development to water and sanitation facilities, the initiatives we support address needs identified at the grassroots level.

Local church leaders serve their communities by planning and implementing these projects; at Catholic Mission, we provide the funding and program support to ensure their long-term sustainability.


Below are examples of the work you can support by being a regular supporter.

  • Select one of the examples of our work
  • Click on support this work button on the bottom right corner
  • Select the Monthly option (as shown above)

Catholic Mission’s Monthly Giving Program for Children

Children's Mission Partners

Many children today still die prematurely due to malnutrition or preventable diseases. Countless suffer from hunger or have to face life on the street, thus lacking the opportunity of a decent education.

Catholic Mission supports child-focused community-based development projects to help break the cycle of poverty, giving these children new hope for a better future. Join with us and make this vision for children a reality today.


Below are examples of the work you can support by being a regular supporter.

  • Select one of the examples of our work
  • Click on support this work button on the bottom right corner
  • Select the Monthly option (as shown above)

Catholic Mission’s Monthly Giving Program for Church Leaders (non tax-deductible)

Leaders for Life

Church leaders like priests, nuns and brothers are the hands and hearts of the Church, reaching out to people in the love of Christ, often providing the only support that marginalised and impoverished communities receive.

Catholic Mission provides much needed support to seminarians on their journey to priesthood, as well as to dedicated novices and brothers in their training. Join us and make the opportunity of church leadership possible for many young people called to vocation.


Below are examples of the work you can support by being a regular supporter.

  • Select one of the examples of our work
  • Click on support this work button on the bottom right corner
  • Select the Monthly option (as shown above)