Pilgrimage of St Thérèse of Lisieux and her parents Sts Louis and Zélie Martin - Australia 2020

For the first time in 18 years, the relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux, one of the most popular saints of modern times, are visiting Australia on a four-month pilgrimage with her parents, Saints Louis and Zélie Martin.

Sr Therese

Official Itinerary

This is the official itinerary for the pilgrimage of the relics of St Thérèse and her parents Louis and Zélie Martin. The selection of venues was the responsibility of each diocese and the events were determined by each venue. While every effort will be made to adhere to the itinerary as published here, it may be necessary, for operational reasons, to make changes either to the venue or to events at the venue or timing on short notice. Please check with each venue for confirmation of events and timing.

Fr Brian Lucas explains the significance of relics and the Martin family

Catholic Mission's National Director Fr Brian Lucas commenting on the visit of the relics of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux and her parents.



Learn more about Saint Thérèse of Lisieux's life with this documentary, created for the occasion of the visit of her relics to Scotland in 2019. Hear from those who walk in her footsteps each day and discover what it is about this remarkable woman that makes her one of the most revered saints of modern times. ©2019 SANCTA FAMILIA MEDIA

Prayer in Memory of St Thérèse

Loving God, as we remember St Thérèse
and her holy family, teach us to live
each moment as missionary disciples in love and generosity.
May her little way lead us to discern your will
in loving surrender to what the Spirit is saying,
and may we know that with you
everything is grace.



Little Flower (All the Love That’s in my Heart)

Written by Richard Cootes; Performed by John Cootes

Notes from the writer, Richard Cootes: As a child, St Thérèse of Lisieux would accompany her father in his walks through the forest. The tall forest trees were a metaphor for the great missionary saints of the Church that she so admired. Knowing that her fragile health would never allow her to emulate such saints, she determined that she would be like the simple wild flowers that bloom on the forest floor. She would perform the simplest of tasks with profound love.

Thérèse would holiday with her parents at a seaside resort. Her autobiographical writings contain many nautical references.

The verses of the song are St Thérèse’s own words.

“After my death, I will let fall a shower of roses”

St Thérèse of Lisieux

Bushfire and drought emergency

With Australia facing its worst ever bushfire and drought emergency, Catholic Mission has reconsidered plans to raise funds for international mission projects during this very special pilgrimage of the relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux and her parents, Sts Louis and Zélie Martin.

After due consideration, a decision was made in consultation with our pilgrimage partners InvoCare to support the St Vincent de Paul Society’s Bushfire Appeal. We are proud to partner with this appeal, which will fund Vinnies’ financial and pastoral outreach to bushfire-affected communities across Australia. Financial packages, essential needs such as food, clothing and utilities, accommodation and emotional support and counselling are all included in this outreach.

Should you feel inclined to make a financial contribution to the missionary work of the Church during this historic visit, Catholic Mission and InvoCare invite you to support the Vinnies Bushfire Appeal, a crucial and very meaningful work of mission for families and communities who most need it at this time.

A Prayer for the Bushfire and Drought Emergency

Heavenly Father,

We ask for your mercy on this land, with the bushfires still raging, claiming the lives of people, of flora and fauna, and destroying homes and livelihoods. We pray for abundant rain to help extinguish the fires and end this drought.

We pray for emergency services personnel and others who are on the frontline of these disasters, those who are injured, have lost loved ones, have lost homes – Lord, please protect them, comfort them and give them strength.
