
Will you leave a lasting legacy and be a part of Jesus Christ's mission in the world?

Your impact on the world doesn't have to end with this lifetime. By remembering Catholic Mission with a gift in your will, you can ensure that children, communities and Church leaders are well supported even after you have departed this life.

Including a gift to Catholic Mission in your will enables you to fund the future missionary projects that aim to give life to the full for all people.

The impact of your legacy starts now. By providing a source of future funds, you allow missionaries to pursue their work with greater confidence today - helping them to bring aid to those in need, care to the sick, freedom to the oppressed and God's salvation to the world. And you are ensuring there will be others to follow in their footsteps.

Listen to some of our #WiseWords

As did Jesus, Catholic Mission is sent to:

  • Bring good news to those in need
  • Proclaim release to captives and recovery of sight to the blind
  • Let the oppressed go free
  • Proclaim the year of the Lord's favour (Cf. Lk 4: 18).

In 160 countries around the world Catholic Mission is:

  • Providing education, health, hygiene and nutrition
  • Building schools, orphanages, health clinics and churches
  • Partnering local churches and communities with spiritual and pastoral care
  • Fostering local church leadership
  • Caring for children


Frequently Asked Questions
What is a bequest?A bequest is a gift of any kind set out in a will. It is a simple but powerful way to provide support for the causes that matter the most to you. It transforms your will into one of the most potent tools for change there is, with little or no impact on your lifestyle today.
How can I go about including a bequest to Catholic Mission in my will?Even if you have a will the easiest way is to seek the help of a solicitor. Catholic Mission has a number of solicitors who are prepared to act for donors, usually at a discounted fee
Suggested Wording for a BequestIf you are unsure of how to word a bequest letter, please download a copy of Catholic Mission's Bequest form.

Contact us

Catholic Mission

Freecall: 1800 257 296