Cma19 Appeal Page Banner 21

Please help fund urgently needed counselling and support for bombing survivors in Sri Lanka following the Easter Sunday bombings.

It has been nine months since last year's Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka, which claimed the lives of over 259 people and injured many more.

Churches and other damaged infrastructure have been repaired, short-term medical programs have been implemented.

Now there is a need for ongoing support for the bombing survivors and families and friends of the victims.

Susantha lost his wife, his two beautiful daughters and seven-year-old son in the 2019 Easter Sunday bombings.

He is reminded of the horrific event daily as his work as a taxi driver often takes him past the church where his family were killed.

The photo below shows Susantha kissing the gravestone of his son, who is buried in a mass grave alongside his mother and sisters.

Thanks to the work of the Church and Catholic Mission in Sri Lanka, Susantha is receiving trauma counselling. His story is one of many.

Please click here to learn more about the work that the Church is implementing for the men, women and children who have been impacted by the bombings.

As Father Basil Fernando, National Director of Catholic Mission in Sri Lanka, says:

“I am trying to launch programs to provide immediate relief to children and families affected by the bombing and to provide long-term trauma counselling and spiritual care for victims and their families.

“We appeal to you to come forward and assist us in carrying out these programs, however you can. We are taking every opportunity to be of help and support to the affected in every way possible.

“We kindly look forward to your generous assistance in our darkest hours.”

Your generous gift today can support vital programs such as trauma counselling for people like Susantha, and education scholarships for children who have lost their parents.

  1. Letter from Fr Brian Lucas (pdf, 231KB)
