
Healing a Nation Through Education - Catholic Mission Launches Myanmar Church Appeal

Catholic Mission has launched its 2018 Church Appeal, focusing on children's education and teacher training programs which are helping to heal and build Myanmar after decades of conflict...

Education is one of the key ways that Myanmar, after decades of internal conflict and political struggle, is moving towards a new age of democracy.

Led by Cardinal Charles Maung Bo S.D.B., the Catholic Church has prioritised education as the key stepping stone to peace, and the 2018 Catholic Mission Church Appeal highlights the important work of Catholic Mission in Myanmar through teacher formation.

A decade ago, Cardinal Bo founded a teacher-training centre called the Pyinya Sanyae Institute of Education (PSIE) to help support education across the country, and through teacher training and the implementation of alternative, child-centred education, the Church is contributing in a positive way to development.

In the video featuring Myanmar, Cardinal Bo speaks directly to the importance of education.

'Without the education of the children, Myanmar would have no future. The whole of the Myanmar Church has given education as the priority,' he said.

Heal a nation through education | 2018 Parish Appeal

Catholic Mission's 2018 Church Appeal focuses on education in Myanmar

Parishioners are invited to reach out through financial gifts and prayers in support of the work of the Church in Myanmar.

Through providing schools with teachers who are well-trained, as well as supporting the construction and renovation of schools, children in even the most remote parts of Myanmar will have better access to quality education.

National Director of Catholic Mission Fr Brian Lucas said that small amounts go a long way toward a better future in places like Myanmar.

"For many of us in Australia, we would think nothing of spending $50 on a meal, yet this amount can fund the training of one teacher at PSIE for three days. $100 will contribute towards the cost of educational resources for remote schools supported by the work of the Church in Myanmar", he said.

'St John's School in the remote northern town of Hakha, is a newly established school that services over 50 local children. The teachers at St John's provide holistic education to the children through interactive learning with and child-centred methodologies.'

'PSIE has a unique teacher formation program that aims at empowering young men and women with the training and skills they need to reach out to communities like Hakha, and support the education of children so that they have a brighter future.'

To find out more about this year's Catholic Mission Church Appeal please visit