
Bushulo Health Centre

‘I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger.' - John 6:35

For many families enduring food shortages in southern Ethiopia, caring for their children, but being unable to help, is heartbreaking for parents. Ethiopian communities hope for immediate and long-term sustainable nutrition for their children… a hope your gift can bring to life.

Ethiopia Kids

Yennesh and her family

After walking for three hours from her mountain hut in the scorching morning heat, Yennesh, a young mother from the hills area of Hawassa, in southern Ethiopia, arrives at the gate of the Bushulo Health Centre. She clutches her two young children who are suffering from acute malnutrition caused by a lack of access to healthy food, including leafy green vegetables. Yennesh looks up and says a silent prayer, asking God for His mercy and help

Ethiopia Family

This was Yennesh and her family just seven years ago. With her children suffering from acute malnutrition, Yennesh’s only wish was to be able to save their lives. 'Looking back' says Yennesh, 'I can see now that God has answered my prayers. Sister Anna and the Sisters have given me, and my children, so much practical support and love.'

Today, Yennesh and her family’s story is one of life, health and hope thanks to Sister Anna Kim and the Sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM), who manage Bushulo Health Centre.

Ethiopia Yanesh

Yennesh (far right) is relieved that her children are healthier thanks to the farming project.

Experience Ethiopia in 360VR

The Sisters are helping to save the lives of undernourished children every day; however, their current emergency services are directly dependent upon generous donations from our faithful Catholic Mission donors such as yourself, and the broader Catholic Church, to continue.

There are thousands of children at risk in the Hawassa region right now who still require your help.
