Image 2 Teachers And Students At Psie

PSIE: Teacher training in Myanmar

Project Code: MMPT-1100686 | Project Location: Yangon, Myanmar

About the Project

The Pyinya Sanyae Institute of Eductation (PSIE project will train 30 teachers in child-centred education, who in turn will be posted to at least four locations to teach approximately 900 students. PSIE in Yangon aims to enhance educational opportunities in a country where conflict and unrest has limited such opportunities for decades. By building the capacity of teachers, this project will help to improve the quality of education available in Myanmar.

Image 1 Teachers And Students At Psie

Teachers and students at PSIE

Project achievements

In partnership Help University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, PSIE will provide a two-and-a-half-year diploma in education to 30 teachers initially. The diploma covers 27 subjects at primary and middle school level. These subjects include extra-curricular formation in anti-trafficking, child protection, art for healing, creative development, environmental education and physical education

Image 4 A Student At Psie

A student at PSIE

The diploma will develop environmentally conscious trainee teachers, who will become environmental advocates and share this with students. Trainees will also be provided with skills to facilitate art for healing and creative development, especially for children who have experienced trauma. The institute trains teachers to use a child-centred pedagogy rather than the memorization method which is common across Myanmar, and runs programs to provide education for children from disadvantaged and vulnerable backgrounds.

Myanmar's first Cardinal, Charles Maung Bo, shares about the challenges facing his country today and the work of the Church to bring peace and democracy through the power of education.

A success story

“I really want to be a skilful teacher, to give real education to them. I really want to give what I’ve learned so that I can help them improve” – Min Min.

Having lost her father at the age of two, and her mother ten years later, Min Min and her five siblings were left in the care of their local parish priest. With civil unrest common across Myanmar, Min Min and her family were often moving from village to village for their own safety.

Image 5 Min Min And Jojo A Teacher At Psie

Min Min and Jojo, a teacher at PSIE

Education was not easily accessible, and without the support of their parish, they were often not allowed to attend schools in the villages they settled in. However, Min Min’s love of teaching was ignited while volunteering at a local school, started by the church.

Through her volunteering, Min Min learnt about the opportunity to study teaching at PSIE in Yangon. She is excited to have the opportunity to become a teacher, and has already completed one year of practical training. Min Min is looking forward to graduating so she can help educate and support children in her country who otherwise have limited access to quality, child-centred education.

Image 6 Teachers And Students At Psie

Teachers and students at PSIE

  1. Teachers will be trained initially
  2. Children will benefit initially
  3. Subjects will be covered by the diploma

Healing a Nation Through Education

How you can make a difference

PSIE is seeking support to aid in the training of its teachers and staff. Your support in building a strong teaching network in Myanmar will allow thousands of children to receive a quality education, shaping future leaders for Myanmar.

Your donation will contribute to a range of project activities, including funding: the salaries of the onshore native and foreign teaching staff and salaries of the support staff; the lease of the PSIE building; the travel, board and lodging of visiting lecturers from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and the ongoing costs of the two-year pre-diploma program.
