Walk the Camino Portugués or the Camino Francés

Pilgrimage 1
: 17 Days 11-27 MAY 2020

CAMINO PORTUGUÉS Lisbon - Fatima - Porto - Santiago

Pilgrimage 2: 16 Days 19 SEPTEMBER-5 OCTOBER

CAMINO FRANCÉS Madrid - León - Santiago

Pilgrimage 1: The Camino Portugués

After the Camino Frances, the Camino Portugués is the second most-popular among pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela, following in the footsteps of the 13th century Queen Isabel of Portugal.

The first stop in our pilgrimage is Fatima, one of the most important Catholic pilgrimage shrines. On the eve of the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima we join with thousands (!) who gather annually to celebrate this day. Then it's on to Porto where our Camino starts through northern Portugal and southern Galicia in Spain.

Take in a rich variety of landscapes from forests, streams, vineyards, and small villages, in addition to historic cities. Towards the end we walk the Variante Espiritual (the Spiritual Variant) on a path of serene beauty, and travel on the maritime Via Crucis, following the final route of St James’ body to Santiago.

Pilgrimage 2: The Camino Francés

The Camino Francés or French Way is the best known, the principal route taken by pilgrims since its ninth century Christian origins. Its popularity has exploded in recent years, hence, pilgrims are supported with good infrastructure in Spain.

In Madrid we board the high-speed train to León, the official start of our Camino walk. After a night in the Benedictine monastery, the Nuns will send us on The Way with the traditional pilgrim blessing.

Journey through towns with Roman and medieval origins, and traditional villages, regional vineyards, and glorious oak-holm forests. The lush Valcarce valley and the ancient mountaintop village of O'Cebreiro provide a foretaste of the distinctive Galician culture, countryside reminiscent of other Celtic lands, before the pilgrimage concludes in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela where the remains of St James the Apostle are said to be enshrined.

Intimate. Immersive. Transformative.

The small group (max. 8 people) is led by an experienced guide.

The unique beauty and power of Catholic Mission’s pilgrimage lies within the graced experience of walking, a pilgrimage to the sacred inner regions of the heart.

Why walk The Way of Saint James with us?

Our focus is on the way we travel, entering into a comfortable personal, contemplative rhythm of daily walking, appreciating simple hospitality in accommodation in albergues and food, with strangers as fellow travellers.

In the spirit of early pilgrimage, each Camino balances walking with times for silence, personal reflection and prayer, in the companionship of a small group led by an experienced guide.

We offer you the support of fellowship with pilgrims as well as independence.


Anyone is welcome to participate. Places limited!

Get in touch with our Immersions team today!

Sr Veronica Rosier O.P.
0451 387 906

Catholic Mission Immersions Assistant:
Kron Halasan
02 9919 7828

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