Healing A Nation

Healing a nation through education

PSIE provides young men and women with the training and skills they need to reach out to communities like Hakha, and support the education of children so that they have a brighter future.

After six decades of internal conflict and political struggles, Myanmar is moving towards a new age of democracy. Led by Cardinal Charles Maung Bo S.D.B., the Catholic Church has prioritised education as the key stepping stone to peace.

By supporting schools with teachers who are well-trained with child-centred education, as well as supporting the construction and renovation of schools, children in even the most remote parts of Myanmar will have better access to quality education.

Image 3 A Student And Teacher At St Johns School

A student enjoys learning games at St John's School, Hakha, Myanmar

'How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news…'

Isaiah 52:7

Min Min’s story

Min Min, the second youngest of six children, understands the value of education, and wants to ensure that no child has to go through what she has been through.

Image 9 Min Min At Psie

Min Min at PSIE

At just six years old, Min Min (with her mother and five siblings), was struggling through the jungle, travelling between villages to keep safe amidst the tense struggle for a ceasefire agreement between the government and armed groups. After two days of walking, with no food or fresh water, they finally came to a village where they could rest. However, their safety was not guaranteed for long, and they were quickly advised to continue moving to find a different place to live.

Distressingly, this is a common story of many people in Myanmar.

Years later Min Min became a volunteer at the local school, where she heard about Pyinya Sanyae Institute of Education (PSIE), a place where she could study child-centred teaching methodologies to become an effective teacher.

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Teacher Jojo (left) and Min Min examine a text in the PSIE library

PSIE made a huge impact on Min Min's life; she learnt new skills to help her teaching. Last year, Min Min was posted in a remote village to complete her practical training, and was able to use these skills to support each child with their needs, to give these children the opportunity to learn.

Your support of the work of PSIE and the Church in Myanmar enables this revolution of education, a revolution of love, peace, and good news.

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